ICAERUS will fly all over Europe
Large-scale multi-actor experiments and demonstration events to optimise, test and demonstrate drone technology and showcase multiple drone applications while assessing and reducing their associated risks.
Use Cases will take place in 5 countries and span across the 5 most important sectoral and societal drone usage purposes:
Demonstrate the capacity of drones in disease and plant stress identification, and weed detection in vineyards, building on existing and implemented solutions and avoiding duplication of effort.
Assess drones as a 3D canopy reconstruction tool in vineyards, using aerial (top) with ground (side) image acquisition
Develop a user-friendly dashboard as a decision support system (DSS), for drone data analysis, visualisation and actions recommendations
Place: Tarragona, Spain
Key Partners: NMN & EI
Test and assess spraying configurations for optimal drone spraying applications in field conditions.
Compare existing conventional with drone spraying practices regarding their efficiency and environmental impact.
Identify risks and develop mitigation strategies related to drone-based plant protection applications.
Place: Attica and Viotia Regions, Greece
Key Partners: AUA & HCPA
Evaluate drone solutions for monitoring different grazing cattle and sheep systems, building on existing and implemented solutions and avoiding duplication of effort.
Assess their labour-reduction capabilities for drone-based herd monitoring
Examine governance models and drone adoption brakes and leverages
Place: Alpes-de-Haute-Provence and Saône-et-Loire, France
Key Partners: IDELE
Monitor forest tree health through the use of drones, satellites and data science
Identify and inspect areas of potentially high fire risk.
Monitor ecosystems and assess biodiversity and wildlife populations
Evaluate the capacity of drones to manage or prevent the expansion of infectious diseases affecting both feral and domestic animals.
Place: Scots pine forest, Lithuania
Key Partners: ART21 & AFL
Design and develop an innovative drone-delivery fleet management system
Automate drone navigation operations by integrating state-of-the-art technologies
Assess three types of drones on delivery parcel size/weight and distance
Implement Drone as Service (DAAS) model principles
Place: Ohrid and Strumica, N. Macedonia
Key Partners: GS & AGFT
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