
Partner’s role in the project

Dissemination and impact maximisation experts and consultancy

Lead: WP5 Ecosystem Building, Open Calls and Business and Governance Modelling; Task 4.4 Value-added Services for Open Call Beneficiaries                                                                                                            

Participate in: WP1, WP2, WP6

Full name of the
Short name of the partnerRFF
Primary contact Dimitris Fotakidis
TItle of contact personProject Manager
Contact’s email is a forward-thinking non-profit organization dedicated to revolutionizing the agrifood sector through innovation, technology, and a steadfast commitment to food sustainability. We act as agents of change that maximize the impact of research and innovation for the European economy and society, with our expertise spanning across activities such as: communication, business modelling, pilot testing, funding through open calls, acceleration and capacity building.

We build long lasting relationships with a broad range of stakeholders in food systems, aiming to unlock the potential of technology and science towards economic, societal and environmental sustainability.

Drone Stakeholders survey (e.g. Drone manufacturers, Drone service providers, Software developers)

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