
GeoSense IKE

Partner’s role in the project

Professional drone assembler and applicator

Lead: ICAERUS Use Cases and Demonstration Activities; including the Rural logistics Use Case

Participate in: Drone landscape analysis;Capacity Building & Value-added Services; Ecosystem Building, Open Calls & Business and Governance Modelling; Dissemination

Full name of the partnerGeoSense IKE
Short name of the partnerGS
Primary contact Vasilios Polychronos
TItle of contact personProject Manager
Contact’s email

GeoSense is a leading vendor and service provider of geoinformatics and drone technologies with a strong focus on RnD and education. Since its founding in 2002, the company became the first to introduce UAS systems for professional use in Greece (2011). GeoSense also contributes to projects and studies related to geoinformatics and drone technology. Since 2017, they have been operating the HCAA certified UAS operators training centre, and in 2019 expanded to introduce the drone tech RnD department and EASA regulations certified training centre.

Their expertise includes:

  • Unmanned Systems UAV/UAS (Drones)
  • Robotic Systems
  • GPS/GNSS receivers
  • Topographic and Measuring Equipment
  • Laser Scanners
  • Thermographic Cameras
  • General GIS applications and solutions

Drone Stakeholders survey (e.g. Drone manufacturers, Drone service providers, Software developers)

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