Innovation and Capacity building
in Agricultural Environmental and Rural UAV Services

The Icaerus Identity




Potential of drones as multi-purpose vehicle – risks and added values


4 years

Start Date

01 July 2022

Overall Budget

€ 5,914,703.00


€ 5,458,276.25 – EU contribution

€ 465,426.75 – UKRI

Funding Scheme

Research and Innovation action

Funding Under

Horizon Europe

European strategic alignment

Drones as multi-purpose vehicles can make an important contribution to a number of the European Commission’s strategies that ensure food security, address climate and environmental challenges and reverse biodiversity loss including:

  • Farm to fork
  • Shaping Europe’s Digital Future
  • EU biodiversity strategy
  • European Green Deal

Key Results and Activities

The ICAERUS platform

A one-stop web-based interactive platform to be used as the central node for information dissemination, communication and collaboration to increase the use of drones for sectoral and societal purposes.

Drone Market Landscape

An inventory of current drone market intelligence, including actors, needs and innovations, standards, regulations, and risks.

Drone Data Analytics Library

An open-access repository of the most significant existing and emerging drone data analytics models and algorithms according to the requirements of the end-users

Socio-economic and environmentalimpact assessment

An assessment of the factors influencing the decision-making process for adopting drone technologies, the economic benefits of the multi-purpose use of drones, and the environmental impacts associated with their uptake.

Inclusive business andgovernance models

Develop and make accessible, inclusive business and governance models that empower people to explore the opportunities of using drones and facilitate better informed decision-making processes, as well as helping to shape future policy design.


The capacity building element of the ICAERUS Platform offering:

  1. A free, open access online training course,
  2. Onsite learning workshops, and 
  3. Value-added services for Open Calls beneficiaries.

Drone Stakeholders survey (e.g. Drone manufacturers, Drone service providers, Software developers)

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      ©2022 ICAERUS Project