
Improving quality of life
one drone at a time

The ICAERUS vision is to explore drone based opportunities and provide a more complete and interconnected account of their potential and impacts as multi-purpose vehicles in EU agriculture, forestry and rural areas. The aim of ICAERUS is to apply, showcase and support the effective, efficient and safe deployment of drones as well as, identify the risks and added values associated with their use.


Specific Objective


Drone market intelligence.
500 innovation actors and their needs.
300+ surveys and one-on-one expert interviews.
100 drone related technologies.
200 drone data analytics models.
10 standards and regulations assessed & 6 risks.

Specific Objective


5 ICAERUS Use Cases.
10 demonstration activities.
1500 engaged stakeholders in demonstration activities.
50 drone technologies and data analytics models to be showcased.

Specific Objective


Guidance – Support – Coaching – Mentoring.
24 hours of online, free, open-access education & training.
1500 stakeholders enrolled in the training.
20 Value-added services on business and governance modeling.

Specific Objective


Build a European innovation ecosystem.
10000 stakeholders reached.
35 stakeholder synergies.
10 links with relevant initiatives.
20 Open Call Trials launched (PUSH/PULL).
10 new business and governance models.

Drone Stakeholders survey (e.g. Drone manufacturers, Drone service providers, Software developers)

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      Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Research Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

      ©2022 ICAERUS Project