Autumn has been off to a great start, with ICAERUS partners travelling all over Europe, to provide insights into their latest research for UAV applications at leading conferences, and attending top industry events.
In September, besides the SmartAgriHubs Synergy Days in Lisbon, Portugal, ICAERUS coordinator, Dr Spyros Fountas (AUA), presented the project at the 10th International Conference on ICT in Agriculture, Food & Environment, while our partner ART 21 attended the innovation dissemination exhibition Inno Panorama 2022.

October was another busy month for the ICAERUS consortium! Dr Spyros Fountas presented the project as well as insights on the latest spray technologies, including drone utilization, decision support tools and more at the 20th Panhellenic Phytopathology conference, in Thessaloniki and IDELE, the leader of the ICAERUS Livestock Monitoring Use Case attended the Sommet de l’Élevage in Clermont Ferrand. The Final Conference of SmartRural21, also took place in Sopot, Poland, where AUA‘s booth, presentation and workshop participation brought attention to the project. ICAERUS was also represented at AGROTICA, the 29th International Fair for agricultural machinery, equipment and supplies, with 113.850 visitors, hosted in Thessaloniki at the end of the month. EI also met with the Tarragona Government Innovation program and the University of Rovira y Virgili and presented at the EcoHub Terres del Ebre in Tarragona as the MDEF Masters Program Fab Lab in Barcelona.

November is here with more exciting opportunities to create synergies and build interest in ICAERUS. In Izmir, Turkey on 3-4 November, Ege University and AUA organised the International Symposium on Cultivating the AgriFuture, Agricultural UAV in the context of the AgROBOfood project. Here, George Tsiantis had the opportunity to present the current research conducted by AUA for ICAERUS and the CEO of GEOSENSE, Dimitris Ramnalis was a key note speaker. Coordinator Spyros Fountas was also in Bologna, Italy, for the International Agricultural and Gardening Machinery Exhibition, which welcomed 327,100 visitors from November 9-13. FSH presented the Open Calls during the “Opportunities for SMEs, industry and farmers” on November 15th at the AgriFood Forum 2022 in Vilnius. The event was organized by ICAERUS partner AgriFood Lithuania and patroned by Art21.

More events are planned for November, and December so make sure to stick around and learn about all the actions taking place to proceed towards drone uptake in the agrifood sector and rural areas.