

Innovations and Capacity building in Agricultural Environmental and Rural UAV Services
Unlocking the Future of Agriculture and Rural Areas

Unlocking the Future of Agriculture and Rural Areas

In a world constantly evolving with technology, the agricultural sector is no exception to this transformation. The Icaerus project will fly all over Europe, aiming to evaluate and exploit the multipurpose potential of drones in agriculture, rural areas, and UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) services.

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“Unmanned Aerial Systems in Agriculture” is out now, featuring 2 chapters by ICAERUS partner AUA

“Unmanned Aerial Systems in Agriculture” is out now, featuring 2 chapters by ICAERUS partner AUA

A team belonging to ICAERUS coordinating partner Agricultural University of Athens (AUA) has published two chapters in the 1st edition of a book called Unmanned Aerial Systems in Agriculture – Eyes Above Fields

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Where has ICAERUS been recently?

Where has ICAERUS been recently?

The consortium's ongoing efforts to disseminate its progress have been continued vigorously in 2023. Focus group work, transnational meetings and international events have taken place, as well as small-scale trainings,…

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Risk Assessment and Drones

Risk Assessment and Drones

Drone flights are inherently an activity prone to multiple risks. In open-field conditions, there are multiple parameters that constantly interact with each other, often in unpredictable ways, and can ultimately…

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Drone Stakeholders survey (e.g. Drone manufacturers, Drone service providers, Software developers)

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