
ICAERUS at SmartAgriHubs Synergy Days

ICAERUS made its presence known at the SmartAgriHubs Final Event in Lisbon, Portugal September 26-28, 2022. This multi-day event, marking the end of the SmartAgriHubs project brought together dozens of projects and hundreds of agrifood stakeholders from across Europe for a synergy building series of presentations, workshops, and discussions.

Dr. Spyros Fountas presenting the project

A large crowd of stakeholders was present for Coordinator Spyros Fountas’ (AUA) presentation of the project’s objectives and how ICAERUS plans to support the uptake of drones as multi-purpose vehicles in Europeans agriculture, forestry and rural areas.

Grigoris Chatzikostas presenting the ICAERUS Open Calls


During another workshop, Grigoris Chatzikostas (FSH) introduced the ICAERUS Open Calls and shed light on the eligibility criteria, funding opportunities along with the submission roadmap.



The event was a great opportunity to generate interest in the project and start building connections with stakeholders, and similar projects, setting a strong foundation of collaboration!

2560 1707 ICAERUS

Drone Stakeholders survey (e.g. Drone manufacturers, Drone service providers, Software developers)

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