ICAERUS is here to use research, technology optimisation, demonstration and education about drones to create an efficient, trusted and safe enabling environment for the EU drone services market in order to achieve EU decarbonisation, digitalisation and resilience goals. To ensure the project’s success, a balanced, multi-actor, cross sectoral consortium of 13 partners from 8 European countries and the United Kingdom have been assembled. This well experienced team includes experts in drone technology and the software at its core, ICT platform development, rural drone applications and distance learning methodologies. Partners are also well versed in socioeconomic analysis, business model development and open call operations.
The coordinating organisation, the Agricultural University of Athens (AUA) is a major Agricultural University in Greece and the third oldest in the country, offering research and extension in agri-food for the public and private sectors. AUA research addresses a wide range of issues related to food safety and environmental protection, including the areas of precision agriculture; imaging, AI & robotics; web applications and databases.
Wageningen University (WU) is a top research and education institute, well known for its inter-disciplinary innovative approaches in the agri-food and environmental sciences. WU is one of the top-ranked universities in the world in the fields of agricultural and environmental sciences and strives ‘to explore the potential of nature to improve the quality of life’, which they achieve by conducting world class fundamental and applied research, and spreading that knowledge for applications around the world.
The Open University (OU) is the largest university in the UK with a community of 19 million learners and an expert in distance learning for over 50 years. Research at The OU is centered around shaping policy and practice, driving innovation and changing lives for the better across the UK, Europe and the rest of the globe.
Noosware is a research focused company, working on cloud intelligence applications, utilising a participatory approach to engage developers with technology end users and citizens. Noosware services span the entire research chain, from needs discovery, science and technology development, demonstration and validation, as well as business model development, project financing and the creation of appropriate framework conditions for adoption.
GeoSense is a leading vendor and service provider of geoinformatics and drone technologies with a strong focus on RnD and education. In 2011, GeoSense became the first to introduce UAS systems for professional use in Greece and since 2017, they have been operating the HCAA certified UAS operators training centre, and in 2019 expanded to introduce the drone tech RnD department and EASA regulations certified training centre.
Noumena is a technology company implementing data-informed solutions for spatial analytics and strategic planning. Noumena harnesses the power of computer vision and machine learning to create sustainable, resilient and efficient spatial solutions for advanced construction, creative robotics, micro farming and urban analytics applications.
ART21 delivers AgriFood Tech solutions to support a more efficient, sustainable and healthy agriculture and food system. To do so, ART21 employs a collaborative approach integrating new scientific and applied research while developing new technologies and products or expanding the application of existing ones to better meet market needs.
Ecological Interaction (EI) is a research and development company focused on improving farming and rural technologies. They develop computational solutions for ecology research and farm management that merge the latest technologies with traditional agricultural systems. To foster connections between societies, technologies and ecologies, EI participates in academic programs, public workshops and supports civic engagement and citizen science programs.
AgriFutura Technologies (AGFT) is an SME combining extensive knowledge of agronomy and precision agriculture with econometrics, statistics, software engineering and design to offer innovation solutions in the areas of digital agriculture, marketing in agriculture and food industry and consulting.
AgriFood Lithuania (AFL) is a Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) that brings together major research, business and public stakeholders in Lithuania for the common pursuit of digital transformations in the agriculture, food and associated sectors. AFL provides all-round support for research, development and deployment of AgriFood technological innovations by connecting international stakeholders and cross-sector initiatives.
FoodScaleHub (FSH) is an impact venture studio that targets Agri-FoodTech founders in all parts of the agrifood value chain, during every stage of their journey. FSH supports food innovation, creativity and digital transformation, to provide solutions to sustainably grow food brands.
Hellenic Crop Protection Association (HCPA) has been representing companies involved in the crop protection industry since 1970 was established in 1970. Their work involves following current issues in crop protection and biodiversity, monitoring the development of Greek and EU agricultural and crop protection legislation while maintaining constant communication and cooperation with authorities, universities, research institutes, agricultural advisors, retailers and farmers.
Institut de l’Élevage (IDELE) is an applied research institute, that provides technical and innovative solutions to livestock farmers and key industrial players across the value chain to improve the competitiveness of herbivore farms and the livestock sector.