



Our partners attended events around Europe to raise awareness about the ICAERUS project and its goals over the past few months.

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1st PULL Open Call winners

1st PULL Open Call winners

The 1st Pull Open Call has successfully concluded, bringing to light a range of pioneering initiatives that can address current agricultural challenges. Here, we highlight the six winners whose projects promise to contribute to the agricultural landscape by integrating drone technology and artificial intelligence (AI).

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Available now on YouTube: Open Call preparation webinar with HE projects ICAERUS, CHAMELEON, and SPADE

Available now on YouTube: Open Call preparation webinar with HE projects ICAERUS, CHAMELEON, and SPADE

Are you seeking funding to fuel your innovative ideas? The recent “Open Call Preparation Webinar – How to Write a Successful Proposal” featuring the HE projects ICAERUS, CHAMELEON, and SPADE provided valuable insights into accessing funding opportunities

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Hover-view: towards real-time, on-device cow detection: applying post-training piecewise linear quantization for Deep Neural Networks

Hover-view: towards real-time, on-device cow detection: applying post-training piecewise linear quantization for Deep Neural Networks

Hoverview is a series of blog posts throughout the ICAERUS project discussing everything drone technologies. This third instalment presents an implementation of quantization for deep learning models to improve the inference speed on an ICAERUS dataset.

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1st PULL Open Call statistics available now

1st PULL Open Call statistics available now

The ICAERUS Project, which is actively contributing to innovation and capacity building in agricultural, environmental, and rural UAV services,  recently closed its first Pull Open Call, attracting participants from 17…

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Our Partners in Action

Our Partners in Action

ICAERUS partners continue to be active promoting the project, it’s results and working to unlock the potential of drones in agricultural and rural areas.

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A new video from AUA and HCPA is out now!

A new video from AUA and HCPA is out now!

ICAERUS coordinator AUA and partner HCPA brought together footage captured from field experiments to create an informative video about their drone spraying use case. Check out the footage and learn…

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Main Objectives Monitor forest tree health through the use of drones, satellites (Sentinel-2) and data science Identify and inspect areas of potentially high fire risk and asses fire fuel types…

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Drone Stakeholders survey (e.g. Drone manufacturers, Drone service providers, Software developers)

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      ©2022 ICAERUS Project