
Available now on YouTube: Open Call preparation webinar with HE projects ICAERUS, CHAMELEON, and SPADE

Are you seeking funding to fuel your innovative ideas? The recent “Open Call Preparation Webinar – How to Write a Successful Proposal” featuring the HE projects ICAERUS, CHAMELEON, and SPADE provided valuable insights into accessing funding opportunities.

Topics included: 

  • The rationale behind the projects, including the key challenges and needs that are being addressed as well as a summary of the work being done. 
  • An overview of the Open Calls being run by each project, including timelines, eligibility criteria, and frequently asked questions. Focus will be on Open Calls that are already open. 
  • How to write a successful proposal, including specific requirements and tips.


A Holistic Approach to Sustainable, Digital EU Agriculture, Forestry, Livestock and Rural Development based on Reconfigurable Aerial Enablers and Edge Artificial Intelligence-on-Demand Systems.

The project

CHAMELEON aims to build a novel reconfigurable and multipurpose ecosystem across 3 domains: Agriculture, Forestry and Livestock. To do so, they are developing and validating technological tools that address specific problems through 3 pilots across Europe, in Spain, Greece and Austria, with a strong emphasis on drone/UAV related solutions and looking at economic, scientific and environmental impact. 

Open Call #2
The CHAMELEON Open Call #2 is looking for third-parties to propose and develop a detailed use case pilot scenario with a primary focus on validating specific bundles developed in the project.Bundles are the software tools that, provided with specific data from the agriculture /forestry/ livestock region of interest, provide analysis and/or indicators to help solve specific problems. 

Application dates: March 31, 2024- June 30, 2024. 

Find out more and apply 


Multi-purpose physical-cyber agri-forest drones ecosystem for governance and environmental observation

The Project
SPADE aims to develop an intelligent ecosystem to address the multi-purpose concept as it relates to UAVs and to promote sustainable digital services for the benefit of end users working in crop production, forestry and livestock management. This includes working on the usability, applicability, governance model availability and trustworthiness of generated data.


Innovation and Capacity building in Agricultural Environmental and Rural UAV Services

The Project
Explore drone based opportunities and  provide a more complete and inter-connected account of  their potential and impacts as multi-purpose  vehicles in EU agriculture, forestry and rural areas.

PUSH Open Call 2
The 2nd PUSH Open Call is open to single applicant, researchers and technology providers (e.g., drone manufacturers, start-ups and SMEs exploiting innovative drone services and technologies, AI and IoT companies, research institutes), able to deliver and exploit drone related data sets for assessing technological and non-technical hypotheses.

Application dates: February 2, 2024- May 7, 2024

Find out more and sign up to the Open Call Hub 

If you missed the webinar, you can still watch the video to learn about funding opportunities offered by the three HE projects.

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Drone Stakeholders survey (e.g. Drone manufacturers, Drone service providers, Software developers)

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